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Chris Blackburn, Managing Architect at Concurrency
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End-to-end data protections with Microsoft 365

We will cover real world applications of PII detection and prevention both in the cloud and on the desktop. Chris Blackburn has 20 years of consulting experience with a focus solely on Microsoft platforms. His specializations include cloud services and communications platforms, identity access management and security, as well as other enterprise services.

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Mike Maadarani, Office 365 MVP, Cloud Solutions Architect, MCM Consulting
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SharePoint Classic to Modern Migration

Many organizations have used SharePoint classic with their on-premise version, or when they originally moved to Office 365. Many of us resist the change and do not intend to embrace the new SharePoint modern as quick as we want, with the fear of loss of functionalities in the modern UI.

This session will cover the following topics to embrace the new SharePoint modern UI and what you need to do to get yourself ready for it:

1. Differences between Classic and Modern

2. Steps to moving into modern

3. Developing in modern using SPFx

4. Customizing your list with column and view formatting

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