Measuring Microsoft Teams Work-From-Home Activity Download Presentation
Presented by: Ed Senez, President and Co-Founder of tyGraph
With the sudden global shift to WFH, companies are struggling to understand how their workforce is doing. The need for deep analytics has become mission critical and organizations are faced with the task of delivering daily reporting to leadership. Learn how tyGraph can help you gain rapid insight into this new paradigm.
Rapid Deployment of Microsoft Teams
Presented by: Max Fritz
In the past 2 months, organizations across the world have had to rapidly embrace and adopt remote work tools like Microsoft Teams. Many of these deployments had to be done in a matter of days instead of months, yet most were highly successful. Join Max Fritz, Teams Technical Specialist in Regulated Industries, to learn more about how organizations have been able to rapidly deploy Teams while maintaining security, compliance, and end user satisfaction. We will also talk about how organizations can replicate this success, and how we see Teams being used as we all find our “new normal.”