Build your Microsoft 365 training program from the inside
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When did training become such a painful part of work? Without question, it’s fundamental to productivity, and even retention, within an organization. And yet, time and again, we find training is left on the cutting room floor or “supplemented” with an emailed PDF.
You don’t have to be an expert facilitator to bring Microsoft 365 training to life, and you certainly don’t have to memorize or produce content in-house. After spending years working with companies like Blackrock, Levi’s, and Gap, I can tell you from experience that the cornerstone of an excellent training program is a master switchboard operator. Join us as we discuss strategies to establish or re-invigorate your M365 training program, maximizing and curating resources that help you focus on the human element of learning and development.
Presented by: Sean Bugler
Sean is a Cloud Solutions Architect with the Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Previously working as a Technology and Collaboration trainer, Sean has worked with startups and Fortune 500 companies alike to build, optimize, and re-imagine what collaboration and productivity looks like.
You can find Sean on Twitter @sbglr.
Connect with me! Collaboration via Power Virtual Agents
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This session will help you see how you can use the Virtual Agents to connect with internal and external users to bring employees, consumers, and operations teams together in new and unique ways.
Presented by: Suzanne George,
Suzanne is a Microsoft Regional Director and MCTS has developed, administered, and architected online applications since 1995 and has worked in various environments – small, medium, and very large companies. With a focus on Digital Transformation using Office 365 and O365 integration with applications; she has often been asked to speak at conferences around the country. She is an expert in designing, developing, deploying, managing and troubleshooting complex architectures and solutions on the Microsoft platform – with a focus on Collaboration Tools and application integration. Currently, Suzanne is a Chief Architect for Collaboration Services at Cognizant and has worked closely with Microsoft for years. She also was a contributing author for several books including the SharePoint 2010 Administrators companion.
You can find Suzanne online