We have two presentations this month, we’ll start off with email authentication and after a short break continue into email based attacks.
Understanding the Basic’s of email Authentication
Presented By: Tim Davis – Download Slide Deck
Get a firm grasp of the SPF, DKIM and DMARC protocols. How do these tools help protect our domains reputation? Learn the why, how and when of implementing these important tools.
Review of Email Based attacks and how to start mitagating them
Presented By: Sean Greenlee – Download Slide Deck
During this session we will look at one of today’s most prevalent email based attacks, Phishing. How does your organization respond when a user has been successfully phished? We go beyond the simple act of resetting credentials, and look at some of the most common techniques used by attackers to persist or increase their access. We use native tooling in Office 365 to walk through tracking and evicting attackers in these scenarios.